Nirbhaya Case: Justice Delivered or Delayed?


The four accused ( Mukesh Singh, Akshay Thakur, Pawan Gupta and Vinay Sharma) were hung today morning (20th March 2020) at Tihar Jail. They were convicted for the gruesome gang rape and murder of the medical student Nirbhaya, on a running bus in Delhi in 2012. The whole country was shaken and enraged by this inhumane crime in that chilly December.

The fast track court in 2013 sentenced death penalty to all the accused.

The bus in which this brutal crime happened that night

The 2012 Delhi gang-rape case involved rape and fatal assault that occurred on 16 December 2012 night at Munirka area, a neighborhood in South Delhi. The incident took place when the 23-year-old female physiotherapy intern, who was brutally injured by the accused in a private bus in which she was travelling with her male associate. There were six others in the bus, including the driver, all of whom raped the woman and assaulted her friend.

The victim, Nirbhaya died from her injuries days after this brutal crime. The incident outraged the citizens like never before and it resulted in a new anti-rape law in India.

There were 6 accused of whom one was a juvenile who was released in 2015 after serving 3 years in reform facility. Ram Singh the other accused took his own life in jail in March 2013.

The lawyer of the accused once infamously bragged to the mother of the victim that his clients will never be hung. In fact he was successful in doing so for some years. He took advantage of many loop holes of the Indian Law and was able to use it for his clients benefit.

In the last few months, all 4 criminals field pleas in the Supreme Court to reduce their sentences to life imprisonment. But the court rejected their requests, leaving them with no other legal recourse. They also filed petition one at a time to buy some time. There was also a last-minute appeal to prevent the death penalties before the D Day, but the court rejected it.

I hugged my daughter’s photograph and told her we finally got justice

Nirbhaya’s mother told this to the media after the execution.

She also added, “Families will start teaching their sons and use the execution of the four convicts in the 2012 Delhi gang-rape and murder case as an example“.

PM Narendra Modi also tweeted after the news.

This infamous case made rape and sexual violence against women a focus, but there is no positive sign in the decrease of such crime. There are many more cases which go undetected and not reported by the victims. According to the National Crime Records Bureau, there were 33,977 cases registered in 2018. That puts an average of 93 cases per day which we as a nation should not be proud of.

Many of us feel, finally justice was delivered even though late. Hopefully, this punishment will act as a kind of deterrent to those who think of committing such heinous crime. Laws of the land was always there, it is the mentality and upbringing of an individual which makes all the difference. Society as a whole has to evolve and education is the key.

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