What is the Amendment in the Citizenship Amendment Bill?

Citizenship Amendment Bill Explained

Current Law

  • Indian Citizenship is given if you are born in India
  • If you have resided in India for a minimum of 11 years (naturalization)
  • Applicant must have resided in India during the last 12 months, as well as for 11 of the previous 14 years
  • Illegal migrant, who entered the country without any valid travel documents, or entered with valid documents but stays beyond the permitted time period, canNOT become a citizen of India and would be deported or imprisoned

Amendment in CAB

  • Fast track Indian Citizenship in 5 years only for the minorities from these 3 countries


Illegal immigrants of the minority communities ( Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Parsi, Buddhist & Christian ) from Afghanistan, Bangladesh and Pakistan can avail the citizenship of India if they entered India on or before December 31 2014 (with or without proper travel documents). The earlier law which deported or imprisoned illegal migrants is overwritten by the new CAB 2019. Those illegal immigrants who could never take Indian citizenship earlier, can now become Indian citizen if they came from the above mentioned 3 countries and belong to one of the 6 minority communities. Also, those minorities from these 3 countries can become Indian citizen in as early as 5 years.

How many immigrants will have immediate benefit?

According to the Intelligence Bureau (2016), only 31,313 immigrants are the immediate beneficiaries of the Citizenship Amendment Act. The minorities from the 3 countries have to prove that they fled to India due to religious persecution in their original home country.

Check this short video to understand Citizenship Amendment Bill in 7 minutes.

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