How to actively engage your kids at home??


“All digital feeds and no fitness makes your kid a dull child”, this holds during this phase of our lives. Being cooped midst the four walls of the house our little ones are going to go a step back when they aren’t going to get their daily dose of physical activity.

Despite minimal or no equipment at home, and amid all kinds of challenges, it is still possible to keep them active.

Physical activity is essential to keep them fresh, active and high on energy levels.

As a parent, you need to be aware of this fact and not remain passive rather actively try to do something about it. These are your kid’s crucial years of mental and physical development and there is no way that you can afford to let him or her miss out on that.

The exercises shouldn’t be imposed on them but should be incorporated in such a way that they see it as a play-act rather than a workout regime.

Here are certain tips mentioned that will help you get your kid on the fitness groove.

1. Keep fancy and fun names for kids exercise:-

You can associate exercise with the animal kingdom. Give the instructions for the exercises as listed below-

  • A. Baby Elephant Stomps – March in place lifting your knees as high as you can.
  • Jelly Fish Jacks – Jumping Jacks with arms and leg spread wide.
  • Bunny Hops – Keep arms by the side of the body and legs together. Hop and move ahead. After every hop pause.
  • Gorilla Shuffles – Sink into a low squat, hands on the floor, shuffle around the room
  • Dog Walks – Keep hands on the ground in front of your feet and walk forwards with the opposite arm and leg.
  • Cheetah Run – Run in one place as fast as you can as if you are the fastest animal of the jungle
  • Frog Jumps – Hop, hop, hop back and forth just like a frog.

2. Encourage family work out:-

As a family removes 30-45 minutes every day for fitness. Working out together is thoroughly enjoyable. It encourages a lot of family bonding and workout doesn’t seem boring when you are doing it together. You can put music and dance your hearts out, dancing together multiplies the energy many folds. You can even do gentle yoga or meditation. Incorporating yoga at an early age improves child flexibility, mobility, and strength. Playing games like hopscotch which directly inculcates exercise is also a good idea.

3. Squeeze in exercise while there are advertisements midst your kid’s favourite TV cartoon:-

This gives him a sense of motivation that he gets to resume to his favourite show post a small physical activity.

Exercises during this time could as simple as asking him to look around and find five things of different colors, this will move his eye muscles and cause lubrication in his eyes. You could also tell him to do 20 skippings or you could ask him to run around the full house 3 times until the show resumes.

Take a look at some recent news:-

4. Tell them to help you in the household errands:-

When they help you with household chores it causes child development to a great degree and also gives the child a sense of accomplishment that they contributed to the household work. You can give them simple tasks like arranging the dinner table, serving food to the family(not very hot stuff), keeping the cleaned utensils back in place, cleaning their toy cupboards, folding small clothes.

5. Exercise with friends:-

Yes, you heard it right make them exercise with their best buddies, not in person but with help of various digital platforms like zoom, skype, facetime, etc, may twice a week, not every day so they look forward to it and remain motivated for it. Keeping it every day will not serve the purpose because their screen time increases, rather twice a week gives them a digital detox on the other days.


  1. It will Improve your kid’s immunity.
  2. A good workout will make him tired and makes him sleep early which in turn makes him get up on time, setting a fit cycle.
  3. Helps to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
  4. Reduces his screen time.
  5. Doesn’t keep him forlorn and dull.