Will India witness the World’s Largest Evacuation since 1990?


On Thursday, India is going to launch the World’s largest evacuation plan on action. There are hundreds of thousands of Indians stranded abroad and more than 3 lakh stranded people have applied to return their home country from across the globe.

Those people who are taking the special flight will be charged around Rs. 50,000 from Europe and Rs. 1 lakh from the USA. The help of Indian Naval Warships will be taken for the Indian stuck in West Asia & Maldives.

This will be the world’s largest evacuation done by our Indian Government. In past also, our national airlines Air India have made us proud on 1990 also when they evacuated more than 1,70,000 people from the war zone area of the Gulf. On that incident, Airlift movie starred by Bollywood actor Akshay Kumar was made based on that patriotic Airlift story.

An image from 1990, the stranded people being evacuated by our Indian Government

The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) on Tuesday issued Standard Operating Protocols (SOPs) for the movement of Indian nationals stranded outside the country. As well as for people who are stranded in India and want to travel abroad.

People who have been laid off, those who hold short term visa, those who need to return due to a medical emergency or due to the death of a family member and students will be prioritized.

SOPs for people wanting to retreat India:

• The Central government will prioritize certain cases over others on the basis of nature of their emergency.
• The priorities will be for migrant workers, labourers who have been laid off and those having short term visas.
• The People with medical emergency, pregnant women, elderly & those required to return to India due to death of family member, and students will also be given preference.
• All those who want to return home will be required to register with Indian missions in their current country by providing necessary details. Based on the registrations received, MEA will prepare flight or ship.
• The schedule (day, place & time of arrival) of the incoming flight/ship will be displayed with at least two days notice on MEA’s website.
• The cost of travel will be borne by the travellers.

Ahead of evacuation:

• At the time of boarding the flight/ship, passengers will undergo thermal screening and only asymptomatic travellers will be allowed to board.
• While onboard, travellers will have to follow strict protocol and wear masks including all other necessary rules.

Upon arrival in India:

• Upon arrival in India, passengers will be thermally screened again and if passengers founded to have symptoms during screening then they will be immediately shifted to a medical facility.
• People returning will also have to download the Aarogya Setu app upon arrival.
• All travellers will have to quarantine for at least 14 days upon arrival in India, at their own cost.
• If they test negative after 14 days they will be allowed to go home and will undertake self-monitoring at home for 14 more days. The remaining people will be shifted to a medical facility by States/UTs.

The ministry of external affairs (MEA) had declared earlier that the administration will carry out the evacuation of over 14,000 Indian stranded in 13 countries by 64 flights and three Navy warships in week 1 of the operation.

Over the next few days, the authority will operate 10 flights to the UAE, 7 flights each to the USA and UK, 5 flights to Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Philippines and Singapore, 2 flights to Qatar, Oman & Bahrain. There will also be flights to Malaysia & Bangladesh.

Indian Government has prohibited all air connectivity in late March as we imposed one of the world’s strictest lockdown to break the chain of Covid-19 outbreak. This resulted into leaving the thousands of workers and students stranded.

Till now, our Central Government had resisted the evacuations, given the logistical and safety nightmare of bringing back and quarantining returning citizens which would be very difficult to handle.

Presently, India has more than 46,000 coronavirus cases in which almost 1,600 citizens have died due to the pandemic.

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